Categories: Newsletters

August 2007

August 2007
In this issue:

  Baseball Game Event !
  WatchGuard Award
  Are you IT Strategic?
  Exchange 2007
  Gain Business Insight
with Office 2007
  4 Battery Tips for
Mobile Gadgets
 Staff Profile
 Where in the World

Exchange 2007: What you need
to know

Many of today’s small to mid-sized businesses operate in a Microsoft Exchange environment. Most of these businesses have invested in Exchange and Exchange-compatible systems over the years, and now they are both loyal to and dependent upon Exchange for email. Now that Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 has finally been released, you might be wondering if it’s worth the time, effort, and cost to migrate to 2007 from your current platform. Find out what’s new with Exchange 2007, and what security issues to consider before you migrate.

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Gain Business Insight with Office 2007

The world of a typical employee has changed dramatically in recent years. We often hear terms like “empowered” to describe employees, and while that term may be overused and cliché, it is a fact that modern companies expect more from every individual employee. Long gone are the days of mindless drones sitting around responding to orders that come down from above. Today, everyone is responsible for business performance management. In essence, we have all become CEO of our own little part of the company. The only way to do this is through gaining real Business Intelligence. We need to turn the mountains of data we now access into more than just information – we need to turn it into true insight.

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 4 Battery Tips for Your Mobile Gadgets
By Christopher Elliott

Reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Small Business Center

Mention the words “battery life.” The first gadget that comes to mind is probably the energy-consuming laptop computer — particularly if you’re on the go a lot.

If not, it should be. There never seems to be enough juice to run your portable PC, as I griped about in a previous article. Ah, but if laptop PCs were the extent of your battery blues, you might not feel so, well, powerless.

So, what about mobile gadgets? How do you make sure your batteries last as long as possible? Here are four tips.

You’re Invited!   eMazzanti’s 6 Years in Business Celebration at the Newark Bears

With sincere appreciation for your role in our success, please join us for an anniversary celebration. We will enjoy a mid-day game of Newark Bears Baseball, announce eMazzanti’s Partner of the Year designation from WatchGuard, hear from Symantec all from a catered air-conditioned skybox overlooking the stadium.

Seminars, Networking Lunch and Training at 11:30 A.M.

Dinner, Drinks and Baseball at 12:30 P.M.


eMazzanti Named First WatchGuard Technologies North American
Partner of the Year
eMazzanti Technologies, a Hoboken-based computer networking firm has been recognized by WatchGuard Technologies as its 2006 North American Partner of the Year. WatchGuard is a leading provider of network security, virtual private network, and remote connectivity tools. The announcement was made by David Rout, executive vice president of worldwide sales at WatchGuard the Seattle, WA-based Corporation.“eMazzanti has earned the distinction of partner of the year by delivering overall excellence in a variety of key areas: revenue performance, training and certification and marketing,” said Rout. eMazzanti has earned the distinction of partner of the year by delivering overall excellence in a variety of key areas: revenue performance, training and certification and marketing

“eMazzanti has been a WatchGuard expert level security partner since 2002, and after almost a decade of working together the partnership between eMazzanti and WatchGuard continues to strengthen. Consequently, the depth of knowledge this relationship offers allows eMazzanti to deliver customers with unparalleled service, in the form of good recommendations, fast implementations and troubleshooting when it is needed most,” says Jennifer Shine, eMazzanti president.

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Are you IT Strategic?
By Blake Britton

The purchase and search for IT products and services to make the business operate more efficiently can be a daunting task. While eMazzanti Technologies is pleased to be able to help our clients with this “search”, there are questions that need to be asked when looking at a replacement or even a new technology. The main question: What is the strategy of the business from an IT perspective? I have selected a few products that have recently been upgraded or purchased new by some of our clients. In each of these cases I have given a few strategic questions that should be asked before the solution is selected.

Firewall/Security Appliance: This device is used to protect your network resources from outside threats. Its primary purpose is perimeter security but can also be used to provide deeper levels of security depending on the business acceptable use policy for Internet browsing. Here are a few questions to ask:

  • Does this appliance provide a deeper inspection of data other than what I get with a router or low end firewall appliance? (This is sometimes referred to as deep packet inspection.)

  • Can I block specific content I do not want end users browsing during business hours?

  • Can I scan all emails for viruses before they get to my mail server and onto my network?

  • Can I limit the ability for end users to download and install music or other non-business related content? (On some sites content filtering is not enough, and the firewall needs the ability to look at the application level.)

Network Switch: For the non-technical, this is the unit that is responsible for providing connection to all resources on your network.

When replacing a switch or a hub the questions to be asked are:


Please share this newsletter
with anyone who might be interested.

Where in the World
is {e}Mazzanti?

Throughout the years,
patrons of eMazzanti have
sent us pictures of their
travels while sporting
eMazzanti gear. Can you
guess where this
eMazzanti fan is located?
Be the first to guess right
and be recognized.

To submit a photo of your
own or guess this
month’s location, email
Should we use your
picture or your guess be
closet to the mark, you
will receive a thank you
package and be entered
into our annual drawing.
Andrew Rosen

Staff Profile



Quick Fact:
Loves to Dance

Rock, Techno

Digital Home

Joined: 2007
Extension: 4424

Opportunities at

eMazzanti seeks bright
minds to join the team.

Refer a
Network Engineer to
and be eligible for a
shopping spree at
eMazzanti’s online store,
Qualifying applicants
must receive full time
employment and have
referenced the referring
friend on the original
application in order for the
referrer to be eligible for
the annual drawing.
Shopping spree is limited
to $1,000 in merchandise.

Proud member of

{e}Mazzanti Technologies  *  409 Washington Street #464  *  Hoboken, NJ  07030  *  201-360-4400


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