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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery to Highlight eMazzanti Appearance on Voice of Manhattan Business


Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery to Highlight eMazzanti Appearance on Voice of Manhattan Business

MicrophoneHoboken, New Jersey ­- (Vocus) January 27, 2015 — eMazzanti Technologies CEO, Carl Mazzanti, will be a featured guest on the popular blogtalkradio program VMB, The Voice of Manhattan Business, sponsored by the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. The 45 minute interview is scheduled for Noon (EST) on Wednesday, February 4. Mazzanti’s topic will be: “Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.”

The interview with Mazzanti will touch on how to get employees, whose personal lives have been impacted by a natural disaster, focused on business recovery, and the right kind of cloud data storage to have in a Hurricane Sandy type event. Upgrading equipment and software, and how to deal with small disasters are also scheduled topics of discussion.

Listen to the program live online Wednesday, 2/4/15, at Noon EST.

eMazzanti Technologies provides business continuity and disaster recovery services to businesses in the NYC metro area, New Jersey, throughout the United States and internationally. Hurricane Sandy and other recent disasters have proven the value of these services.

The following excerpts from a recent article, “Get Ready for Hurricane Season; It Only Takes One… or None… for Disaster to Strike Your Business,” by Mazzanti gives insight into the direction of the interview:

Hurricane Sandy

“Selecting a vendor for disaster prevention and recovery services can determine how soon your business is up and running after a disaster, if at all. Hundreds of businesses struck by Hurricane Sandy failed to reopen for weeks or months.

‘In the days before Sandy hit, every eMazzanti employee was moved to a customer support role, checking backups and making sure clients were as prepared as possible,’  stated Jennifer Mazzanti, president, eMazzanti Technologies. ‘eMazzanti has achieved an outstanding track record by thoroughly preparing our customers and ourselves.’”

Business Disaster Recovery Rates

  • 80 percent of businesses suffering a major disaster go out of business in three years.
  • 40 percent of businesses that experience a critical IT failure go out of business within one year.
  • Companies that aren’t able to resume operations within ten days are not likely to survive.
  • The survival rate for companies without a disaster recovery plan is less than 10%.
  • Only 35 percent of SMBs have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place.

What to Know About Disaster Recovery

  • IT systems are a critical resource that many businesses cannot survive without
  • More risks than you thought can threaten a business
  • It takes commitment and financial support to be prepared
  • Insurance does not cover all of the disaster business risks
  • Developing a preparedness policy is the first step
  • eMazzanti can help

Listeners can hear the live program online or play a recording of the complete interview after the broadcast.

Other related resource information:

A business continuity plan gives you one less thing to worry about

Disaster Recovery and Data Security Excellence Propel eMazzanti to Fifth Consecutive Ranking on Inc. 5000 List




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The continually changing threat landscape requires us to update best practices and add new concepts to keep your organization safe.

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SESSION 6: Threat Detection | JAN. 15

Microsoft Copilot
Master Class Workshop


eMazzanti will host 60-minute Master Classes, that speak to how AI can help your business streamline and grow.

In each session, you will have Artificial Intelligence and Automation explained, view a live demo of Copilot, and see it live in action in a dynamic format.


Cyber Security Awareness Hub


Cyber Security Awareness Kit, designed to be delivered to your team in bitesize chunks.

We are sharing the resources and highlighting services your organization needs, covering everything from multifactor authentication to software updates, showing your users just how easy it is to improve their security posture.

Resource Library


Insights to help you do what you do better, faster and more profitably.

> Tips to Stay Protected Against Phishing Attacks

> Understanding Ransomware 

> The 6 Known Wi-Fi Threat Categories Targeting Your Business and How to Defend Against Them

> Practical Advice for Avoiding Phishing Emails

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