Phishing is a form of cybercrime that involves impersonating a legitimate person or organization. The goal is to attempt to trick you into giving up your sensitive data, including passwords, bank account details, or credit card numbers. Phishing attacks can happen through various channels, such as email, phone calls, or social media. One of the most common and effective ways that hackers use to phish for information is through text messages, also known as SMS phishing or smishing.
Text messages are a convenient and popular way of communicating, especially in the workplace. However, hackers can also use them to send you malicious links, attachments, or codes that can infect your device with malware, ransomware, or spyware. They can also use text messages to lure you into a fake website or app that looks like the real one, where they can steal your login credentials, personal information, or financial data. Bad actors can also use text messages to manipulate you into performing an action that benefits them, such as transferring money, buying gift cards, or disclosing confidential information.
I want to share a recent example, where I received a text message from an unknown number claiming to be my boss. The message said, “Chris, I need you to work on an urgent project.” This message seemed plausible because it used my name, and my boss has in the past asked me to work on projects via text message. However, I was suspicious, because the number was unfamiliar and the message was very generic. I decided to contact my boss directly via a different form of communication; in this case, an email. I asked him if he sent me that text message, and he confirmed that he had not sent any message to me.
When I received a second message from ‘the boss’ from a different number, I realized that his account was under attack. I immediately informed our Infosec Team about what I had discovered so they would know an attack was taking place.
Something so innocent as a text message could have been disastrous, had I not recently attended a training session from eMazzanti Technologies that taught me to be vigilant about possible phishing attacks.
To protect yourself from phishing attacks, here are a few tips follow
Phishing Attacks via text messages are a serious and growing threat that can affect anyone who uses a mobile device. Hackers can use text messages to impersonate your contacts, and try to trick you into giving up your sensitive data, infecting your device with malware, or performing another action that benefits them. To protect yourself from these phishing attacks, you need to be vigilant and cautious when you receive any text message. Always verify the sender’s identity, check the link or the file before clicking on it or opening it, use strong and unique passwords, and report any phishing attempts. Trained eMazzanti professionals can help you avoid falling prey to these phishing attacks, while keeping your security, privacy, and money intact.
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