Categories: Articles

Drop Me In Dubuque

Drop me in Dubuque
I’ll survive anywhere!

by Joel Weldon, Success Comes in Cans

Schmitz’s reputation was legend!. They said, and rightly so, you could drop Schmitz off in any city in the U.S. at nine in the morning, and by 5 p.m. Schmitz would have made at least one sale. Schmitz was not only a great sales-person, but a fully functioning, totally independent survivor!

When a young rookie salesman heard about Schmitz and the “drop me in Dubuque challenge”, he became intrigued and inspired. Wow, he thought. That’s the kind of life I want no matter what happens, to know I’ll survive! Over the years he strived to improve his skills so he could say “Drop me in Dubuque and I’ll sell!” No leads, no referrals, no centers of influence, no money, no support, no contacts and no help!  Just a good product, an honest presentation and the feeling of total confidence in himself. Before long his chance came to be a “Schmitz.” Not only did he make a sale, he made four sales! The local manager could hardly believe it. His best producers working in their own territory hardly sold four a week, and here’s a stranger getting four orders in his first day in town!

How about you — could you survive and then thrive in a distant city or town with only your skills and street smarts? That’s independence!That’s security! That’s self-sufficiency! That’s a goal worth striving for ? for yourself, for your associates, for your family.

In an age of increasing dependency on the government, social security, company benefits, life savings, investments, family, friends and organizations, we sometimes lose sight of the need to be independent and self-sufficient.

If you’re a manager or leader, could your associates make it without you? Have you fostered dependence, or independence? What kind of thinkers and doers have you trained and developed?

If you’re a parent, could your children survive and then thrive without you? What can they do for themselves? How good are they at cooking,
finding a job, thinking for themselves, defending themselves, buying, selling, and the hundreds of other things necessary for survival in today’s fast-paced dynamically changing world. What a wonderful feeling it is to know you raised self-sufficient thinkers and doers ? its possible to be a “Schmitz.”

If you’re on your own, how are you doing in the survival department? Are you on your way to thriving? So often we hear of the shattered lives
of people who suffer through the death of a loved one or a divorce. Yes, its a tragic situation, but its not the end of the world. Life goes on. You can lose your job, home, spouse, children, your money, friends, relatives — everything –but you still have YOU! You can go on, and not just survive, you can thrive! Decide now that you can make it — no matter what!

If it is to be, it is up to ME! That’s the motto of life’s winners!

Here’s what you can do:
1 . To survive in the wilderness you’d need to know basic survival techniques — how to live off the land, how to find food, what to eat, where to sleep, how to build a fire, etc. Those are skills anyone can learn. To survive in our civilized world you need to know basic survival techniques like how to communicate, how to get a job, how to think, reason and make decisions. Decide now to learn those basic skills and teach them to your children, loved ones and business associates.

2. Strive for the freedom independence gives you! Many millionaires, having lost every penny, still come back and earn millions more. How? They still know how to make money! Many salespeople have their territories changed or cut in size, and yet the good ones still find a way to exceed their quota and goals. Left alone through death of a spouse or divorce, an individual finds a new mate and goes on living and loving. Left in an orphanage a child decides to make it anyway. The list of neglected children is long and some don’t make it — but others do. Why? They decide to!

3. Accept it — its true — it’s a fact — your life is a choice. What will it be ? days filled with watching TV, reading bad news in newspapers, reviewing hurts and pains, OR striving to become independent? Make your goal: Drop me in Dubuque!

Bryan Antepara

Bryan Antepara: IT Specialist Bryan Antepara is a leader in Cloud engagements with a demonstrated history of digital transformation of business processes with the user of Microsoft Technologies powered by the team of eMazzanti Technologies engineers. Bryan has a strong experience working with Office 365 cloud solutions, Business Process, Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft Office Suite, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Customer Service. He has the ability to handle the complexity of moving data in and out of containers and cloud sessions, makes him the perfect candidate to help organizations large and small migrate to new and more efficient platforms.  Bryan is a graduate of the University of South Florida and is Microsoft Certification holder.

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