eMazzanti Technologies | Technology Newsletter | Hoboken, NJ – New York, NY | September 2013


Compliance Requirements You Need to Understand

When you dig deep and try to understand the tasks and procedures you need to protect electronic data you are likely to encounter technical terms—and IT buzzwords— that are confusing. Here are some tips you can use to enSsure that your technology foundation is strong enough to support HIPAA compliance. Remember that HIPAA compliance is a fundamental requirement for you to earn and keep your Meaningful Use incentive money.

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Privacy Law: Helpful Guides
used with permission from SBA.gov

For many companies, collecting sensitive consumer and employee information is an essential part of doing business. It is your legal responsibility to take steps to properly secure or dispose of it.  Financial data, personal information from children, and material derived from credit reports may raise additional compliance considerations. In addition, you may have legal responsibilities to victims of identity theft. 

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)</span rel=”nofollow”> regulates and oversees business privacy laws and policies that impact consumers. Check out the following guides from more information on how you can ensure you are compliant.

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Protecting Employee Privacy: Health Information Rules for Businesses
used with permission from SBA.gov
by Cecelia Taylor

Does your employee health plan allow workers to maintain their medical information online?  Do you store information on employee healthcare plans? If so, then you should familiarize yourself with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), which includes provisions to strengthen privacy and security protections for web-based businesses practices.

As a result of ARRA, the Federal Trade Commission issued a rule requiring companies to contact customers in the event of a security breach. After receiving comments from the public</span rel=”nofollow”>, the FTC issued the Health Breach Notification Rule which requires businesses who have a security breach to:

Office 365: Take Advantage of Office Anywhere
used with permission from Microsoft

Do you spend too much time and money managing and upgrading your servers? Do your employees have the tools they need to easily collaborate with each other? Are you able to keep up with demands from your users for larger mailboxes and more storage? If you find server upgrades too costly, yet spend too much time managing your servers, then we have good news for you!

Microsoft Office 365, a cloud-based productivity service hosted by Microsoft, provides anywhere access to your familiar Office applications, email, calendar, video conferencing, and most up-to-date documents across your devices—all for one predictable monthly fee.

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With Office 365, there’s no reason to compromise
used with permission from Microsoft
by Michael Atalla

A lot is said these days about the choices people and organizations are faced with when adopting technology. In the end, it’s all about productivity. All of these decisions are made with the aim of optimizing your productivity — whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, accountant, student, or business person.


As people navigate these decisions, their ability to do great work revolves around having the right mix of capabilities delivered by a company they can trust. Why? Because there’s an actual cost to compromising our productivity. There’s a cost to the time and money spent retraining workers to use unfamiliar applications andapplications that don’t do what people need them to do or that require workarounds.There’s a cost to having to purchase add-on technologies to gain the capabilities you need to be successful. And there’s a cost associated with the inability to access the information that’s important to you simply because you don’t have an Internet connection.

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Move windows between multiple monitors
used with permission by Microsoft

You can easily extend your Windows desktop across more than one monitor by plugging two or more monitors into a desktop computer or one or more monitors into a laptop. Most laptops allow you to connect one external monitor. A desktop that spans two or more monitors significantly increases your desktop area so that you can drag windows, program icons, and other items to any location on the extended desktop.


Where in the World is eMazzanti?
Compliance Requirements You Need to Understand
Privacy Law – Helpful Guides
Protect Employee Privacy
Take Advantage of Office Anywhere
Office 365 – No Compromise
Move Windows Between Monitors
eMazzanti presents…
eMazzanti Rocks!

eMazzanti presents…

Microsoft Office 365 – What Can It Mean To You

Watch the Video

“eMazzanti Technologies is one of the top solution providers in the country driving big return on investment for customers. Congratultions on the LEADERSHIP SOLUTIONS you’re providing to clients!”

Steven Burke
Everything Channel


Share your thoughts about your experience with eMazzanti and to thank you for writing a review, eMazzanti will donate $50 to Trees For America in order to plant trees in areas that have been affected by disaster. We can’t wait to hear from you! To find out how to help click here.


eMazzanti seeks bright
minds to join the team.

Currently we have
four Open Positions!
Check them out here!

Refer a Network Engineer and be eligible for a shopping spree at Mazzanti’s online store.  Qualifying applicants must receive full time employment and have referenced the referring friend on the original application in order for the referrer to be eligible for the annual drawing.  Shopping spree is limited to $1,000 in merchandise.

Watch our Recruitment Video!


Demystifying Cyber Security for SMBs


The continually changing threat landscape requires us to update best practices and add new concepts to keep your organization safe.

SESSION 4: Cyber Security Strategy
Watch On-Demand

SESSION 5: Cyber Insurance & MFA
Watch On-Demand

SESSION 6: Threat Detection | JAN. 15

Microsoft Copilot
Master Class Workshop


eMazzanti will host 60-minute Master Classes, that speak to how AI can help your business streamline and grow.

In each session, you will have Artificial Intelligence and Automation explained, view a live demo of Copilot, and see it live in action in a dynamic format.


Cyber Security Awareness Hub


Cyber Security Awareness Kit, designed to be delivered to your team in bitesize chunks.

We are sharing the resources and highlighting services your organization needs, covering everything from multifactor authentication to software updates, showing your users just how easy it is to improve their security posture.

Resource Library


Insights to help you do what you do better, faster and more profitably.

> Tips to Stay Protected Against Phishing Attacks

> Understanding Ransomware 

> The 6 Known Wi-Fi Threat Categories Targeting Your Business and How to Defend Against Them

> Practical Advice for Avoiding Phishing Emails

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