The United States suffers identity theft at more than twice the rate of the world average. According to a recent survey, identity theft has struck an astonishing 33 percent of US citizens. And, while thieves certainly prey on the elderly, the majority of victims are younger. Consequently, identity theft poses a risk not only for the victim, but for their places of business.
Consider the risk when high-level employees have their identities stolen. Not only can thieves wipe out their bank accounts, but they can use stolen credentials to gain access to privileged information. Individuals and businesses both need to be aware of the signs and dangers of identity theft and how to respond.
Identity thieves can gain access to sensitive personal information in a variety of ways. A data breach at a place you do business can expose your data. Or bad actors may gain access to your phone or computer. Regardless of the access point, you may not know that your information has been compromised.
However, a few telltale signs can provide a warning to look deeper. For example, fraudulent credit card purchases often give the first clue. Likewise, unfamiliar bank account activity suggests unauthorized access.
Additional signs include unfamiliar bills, loss of cellphone service and denied medical claims. These indicate someone has used your name to open accounts. Likewise, arrest warrants or the inability to file taxes because the IRS already has a return filed in your name both indicate identity theft.
Cell phones prove especially attractive targets for identity thieves, as they contain a treasure trove of valuable personal information. Despite carrying sensitive data and links to financial accounts, many users fail to protect their phones properly. Learn how to protect your phone from hackers and how to recognize when your phone has been hacked.
When you notice signs of theft, take steps to change your digital identity to protect both your business and you. Start with the steps outlined below.
Then, move the original email address to a distribution group. Within minutes of doing this, hackers will be unable to use an automated hacking tool against you. This will involve no change to how outside users connect with you. You can still receive email at your original email address.
The cybersecurity experts at eMazzanti have the tools you need to keep your identity and your business safe from hackers. They will help you implement multi-layer security, including mobile security, network security and Dark Web scanning. Call us today for a free cybersecurity assessment.
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