Custom IT Services and Solutions for Local Government

We are an IT Solutions provider with expertise in Cyber Security, OPRA, Info Governance, Data Migration and eDiscovery. Headquartered in New Jersey, the firm offers Cloud and mobile solutions, multi-site implementations, outsourced network management, 24 x 7 support, cyber security assessments and protection services.

omnia Authorized Reseller


Municipalities like yours are struggling to adopt, and adapt to the requirements that active citizens are putting on public services. Although budget pressures for cost reduction and improved efficiencies are the usual drivers, greater citizen engagement and requirements for improved transparency are escalating the timelines for digital transformation.

Nj Township Njlm

Protecting City Governments From Cyber Attacks

Regardless of size, cyber-attacks on municipalities is increasing. With more internet delivered city services, the digital surface by which Hackers have access to is greater now than ever before.

eMazzanti is on the forefront of protecting cities, towns and emergency services. Rather than just be forewarned we believe you should be fore-armed.

Whether it is user training to prevent inadvertent virus attacks or auditing your backup and recovery policies for quick restoration should a breach take place, eMazzanti and its team of trained Cybersecurity experts is prepared to help you be as prepared as possible in case of an attack.

Cyber Security Municipality Njlm

What Are the Top Cyber Security Challenges?

Law Enforcement

Protect, Serve and Cyber Security

It Support Services For Municipalities 4

Law enforcement agencies are a particularly attractive target for hackers due to the vast amount of sensitive and confidential data they collect and store.

This data must be accessible in and outside the confines of a police station for use by officers and detectives in the field, which can create a huge attack vector for hackers and an even bigger security risk for IT managers.

For law enforcement organizations, protecting this information is not just an IT issue, but a matter of public safety.


CJIS Compliance
Critical Breach Response
Collection and Access to Evidence


Secure VPN
13 Main CJIS Policy Areas
FIPS 140-2 Certified Firewall Appliances
DNS-level Protection and Content Filtering
Multi-factor Authentication

Water and Utilities

Keeping the Lights On and the Water Running

It Support Services For Municipalities 1

In 2015, the University of Cambridge and Lloyd’s of London published a report that stated that an attack on The U.S. electrical grid could potentially leave states and 93 million people between NYC and Washington DC without power.

The estimated impact on the economy could be between $243 billion and $1 trillion. These organizations are facing an increasing amount of unwanted, potentially malicious traffic and need to find the right balance between securing our infrastructure while still granting necessary remote access.


Remote Access
Cybersecurity Guidance and Tools


Protecting against known industrial control system (ICS) and SCADA threats
Following the he AWWA guidelines to improve cyber security practices

Citizen Services

Keep Cities Running By Making Them Cyber Secure

It Support Services For Municipalities 2

Citizens depend on their city governments for a variety of city services – from paying bills and traffic tickets to accessing public records. As more of these services are happening online, city governments need to guarantee that the treasure trove of PII and banking information they’re collecting, accessing and storing is secure.

Governments also need to make sure that their services stay online to ensure that their cities don’t come to a halt, leading to lost revenue.


Modernizing Legacy Technology


Network Security
Multi-factor Authentication

Emergency Services & Dispatching

Making Sure They Are Always Able to Answer the Call

It Support Services For Municipalities 3

Citizens depend on their city governments to provide necessary emergency services like paramedics, fire fighters and more. All of these departments are notified where to go and why through their local dispatching department. These organizations face a variety of threats, and we’ve seen the impact of how breaches can affect them.

In 2018, Baltimore, MD, experienced a breach that damaged their computer-assisted dispatching systems for over 17 hours, forcing dispatchers to handle calls manually and causing extensive delays in response time.


Internet for Personal Use
Security Education


Securing wireless access points from the six known wireless threat categories
DNS-level filtering to detect and block potentially dangerous connections
Security Awareness Training
Wireless intrusion preventions technology

eMazzanti Technologies offers a variety of cyber security solutions to meet compliance regulations like CJIS, PCI DSS and more, and protect city governments from cyber attacks. With solutions to protect your network, endpoint, Wi-Fi platforms and credentials, eMazzanti enables these organizations to check many of the security boxes on their list.

Our solutions are designed to be easy to deploy, manage and use, and don’t require city governments to dig through obscure and voluminous logs of security data. Cities can turn to us as Training Partners to help bridge the cyber security skills gap.

Email Security & Security Awareness

Defend City Hall from cyber threats with our people-centric solutions

These days, cyber attacks target people, not technology. This means that your local government district must respond with a people-centric approach to securing sensitive data.

eMazzanti Technologies can help protect local governments from the cyber threats. Our people centric approach to cyber defense focuses on protecting the individuals most likely to be targeted. Our solutions enable rapid response to threats. They minimize the risk of financial fraud. And they let local governments manage legal and compliance risk by preserving all communications.

24 x7 IT Support for Municipalities

Keep things running smoothly with round-the-clock IT support from eMazzanti Technologies.

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Your business relies on technology in a thousand different ways. If something goes wrong, it brings operations to a screeching halt. Don’t leave your customers hanging and your staff scrambling!

From basic troubleshooting to the blue screen of death, our engineers are on hand 24/7 to get your business back on track fast when something goes wrong. And with our reliable and cost-effective managed services, you can stay one step ahead of the next problem, and the one after that!

We’ll vigilantly monitor your network for potential issues while making sure everything is  up-to-date, efficient, and secure.

Empower Digital Cities

Today’s cities face big challenges, including shrinking revenues, budget cuts, outdated infrastructure, population growth, and aging citizens. They need to deliver enhanced city services and administrative capabilities that put people first, and empower them to achieve more. Both citizens and businesses increasingly expect seamless, personalized, and convenient self-service options in every aspect of their lives.

Providing quick and easy access to information through technology can foster positive relationships between citizens and governments. Data-driven solutions from eMazzanti Technologies can help communities of any size—small towns, cities, municipalities, or entire regions—provide better services and quality of life for their citizens.

Cyber Security It Support New Jersey Municipalities

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Municipalities

The average citizen is expected to have more than 10 connected devices at home with access to 80 billion more devices via IoT and 3 enterprise-enabled work devices.

By 2030, 75 percent of the world’s population will be connected via smart devices and broadband Internet.

More than 60 percent of citizens of smart cities will have full access to eServices (ePayments, eExchange, eSharing, etc.) in the next 10 years.

Opra Requests

OPRA, is a statute that provides a right to the public to access certain public records in the State of New Jersey, as well as is the process by which that right may be exercised can be a cumbersome and time consuming. Identifying key data which typically exists in silos and consolidating it, is a daunting process. The time restriction on responding is seven days. This puts pressure on the municipality to manage and retrieve many sources of unstructured data to be able to respond to citizen requests.

Let eMazzanti and our Compliance team help you sort through your data and implement effective eDiscovery tools to support your Opra process.

Important Credentials

Certification Number – 

Certification Number – 

Certificate Number  – A0112-14

NJ State Registration Number: 0140710

CJIS Compliant


OMNIA Partners
Authorized Reseller #R200803


FRN Number – 0022490155
SPIN Number / 498 ID Number – 143027854

GSA Schedule 70

GSA Schedule 58I

Certificate Number  – 70493-10

Certificate Number  – A0112-14

FRN Number – 0022490155
SPIN Number / 498 ID Number – 143027854   CJIS Compliant
V-Number – V00010010

GSA Schedule 70

GSA Schedule 58I

Sponsor of

New Jersey State League of Municipalities

Municipal Clerks’ Association of New Jersey

Governmental Purchasing Association of New Jersey

38th Annual
Police Security Expo

Government Finance Officers Association of New Jersey

Upcoming Events

Police Security EXPO – 37th Annual
Exhibit Booth Space #1847

June 27 & 28, 2023  |  Atlantic City(NJ) Convention Center

NJ League of Municipalities Conference

November 14-16 | Atlantic City Convention Center | Atlantic City, NJ

Municipality Case Studies

Eliminate the IT challenges your business is facing

Chatham Township

New Jersey Township

Chatham Township Finds Long-Term Technology Partner to Modernize Operations

“With eMazzanti’s help, we’re more collaborative, we’re able to solve problems faster and provide better customer service. That’s our bottom line.”

Robert Hoffmann, Township Administrator,
Chatham Township, New Jersey

Monroe Township

Municipal Government It Support

24×7 Connection Safeguards Citizens and Keeps Government Running

“eMazzanti is my backup, my sixth man. When push comes to shove, with their expertise I know I can make everything work. I can’t think of anyone else I would go to!

Joe Varalli, IT Manager,
Monroe Township, New Jersey

Find out how municipalities succeed with us.

Why eMazzanti?

eMazzanti Technologies has been supporting cities and municipalities for over 20 years.
We are a Women Owned Business with a suite of solutions to solve any technological problems you may experience.

Whether to safeguard against data loss, or creating custom software applications, we offer the comprehensive IT solutions you need to streamline your business and ensure your organization is always running at its full potential.

Our certified team of engineers will help you cut down on costs and resource drains, protect your assets, and reduce—if not eliminate—the day-to-day problems that can slow down your business. 

Bring data driven, modern workplace services to your city.

Resource Library

Our e-books and content, especially made for you.

Keep Cities Running By Making Them Cyber Secure

Emazzanti & Watchguard Solution Brief

MXINSPECT Email Defense: Protect Local Governments

MXINSPECT-Protect Local Governments

9 Urgent Security Protections Every Municipality Should Have in Place

Security Protections Municipality

Protecting City Governments From Cyber Attacks

Protecting City Governments From Cyber Attacks
Let’s get started

Please contact our team or complete the form. A representative will contact you shortly.

Let's Talk

We’ll chat about your business, how you use technology, and what you want to get out of IT.

Develop a Plan

You’ll choose the IT service agreement that works best for your organization.

Start Your IT Experience

Within days, you’ll be experiencing IT like never before.

T. 844-360-4400
[email protected]

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Patrol Car of Tomorrow Powered by eMazzanti Technologies

Specifically designed to show the future of mobile law enforcement and its interaction with technology, this project is a use case for the Microsoft Azure Government platform and Windows Devices.

The Patrol Car of Tomorrow strengthens eMazzanti Technologies, Microsoft and external partnerships, so that all forces come together to build a better tomorrow for law enforcement.

Today’s data management challenge in law enforcement is that police are gathering more data and keeping it longer than ever, thus taking resources away from other missions.

There is a great need for change and since law enforcement is highly influenced by contemporary technology, both internally and externally, the time is now. 

njlm microsoft one drive windows

With this change will come information sharing and live-stream video, which is pertinent to officer safety, and allows officers to get reactive information and adapt to the new age of technology.

These are the goals and mission of the Microsoft Patrol Car program. Every piece of technology, hardware and software that go into this car are set to help make law enforcement safer and more efficient