Categories: Newsletters

January 2008

January 2008
In this issue:

  4th Competency
  Sneak Peek Event
  It’s Your Choice
  Get Paid to Implement
Office 2007
  Elevator Pitches
  Leveraging Technology
  RSS Feeds
  Security Quickies
  Where in the World
 What Should Be Secured?

Why Elevator Pitches Help Win Customers

If I asked everyone who works at your company to tell me about the business, how many different answers do you think I’d hear? I’m willing to bet I’d hear about as many different stories as you have employees.

That’s unfortunate because your employees could be your best public relations machine. They are out in the community, meeting potential customers, suppliers and others who can impact your business — both for better and worse. Why not equip your staff with the information they need to make a good impression? No business can have too many friends and your employees are just the people to help make them.


RSS Feeds in Microsoft Office

RSS Feeds provide easy, up-to-date information, delivered to you straight from the Internet. Learn the essentials here so that you can find, add, and read the articles or blogs in an RSS Feed right in Microsoft Outlook 2007, as conveniently as you receive and read your e-mail.

The Internet contains a lot of information on just about any topic. For example, you might use the Internet to read the newspaper or check stock reports. But finding what you need can be time-consuming.


Security Quickies

Choose a password that’s hard to crack

When choosing a password, try to make it by writing a sentence that you can easily remember. For example: “Los Angeles Lakers will win the NBA tournament this year”. Then pick up the first letters of each word and also add at the beginning or at the end (or at both parts) some special characters and numbers. For example, with the last sentence you could get the password: =3LALwwtNtty$. This method lets you come up with easy-to-remember passwords that are also hard to crack. And you avoid the need to write such a long password down in order to remember it.


eMazzanti Technologies Achieves
Fourth Competency As A
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

Hoboken, NJ, USA — January 21, 2008
eMazzanti Technologies, Technology Strategies for Business Growth, today announced it has attained a fourth competency as a Gold Certified Partner in the Microsoft Partner Program with competencies in Security, Advanced Infrastructure, Networking Infrastructure, and Information Worker Solutions recognizing eMazzanti Technologies’ expertise and impact in the technology marketplace. As a Gold Certified Partner, eMazzanti Technology demonstrates expertise with Microsoft technologies and a proven ability to meet customers’ needs. Microsoft Gold Certified Partners receive a rich set of benefits, including access, training and support, giving them a competitive advantage over its peers.

“We are extremely pleased to attain another competency with our Gold Certified Partner status in the Microsoft Partner Program. This allows us to clearly promote our expertise and relationship with Microsoft to our customers,” said Jennifer Mazzanti, President of eMazzanti Technologies. “The benefits provided through our Gold Certified Partner status will allow us to continue to enhance the offerings that we provide for customers.”

See the Press Release

The Trusted Platform for your Business Windows Server 2008 Sneak Peek Event This exciting preview event is designed for business professionals and IT decision makers like you. Be one of the first to see how the latest Microsoft technology can provide you with a secure, reliable, and easy-to-manage platform – to give you a competitive edge.For more on this event and to register, click here

It’s Your Choice – Your Headache or TheirsHear that sound? Feel the rumble? There is a geologic shift taking place under the feet of small and medium-sized companies and chances are you don’t know it, yet. The ruckus is managed care. Their promise is to liberate you from the awful side of computer ownership.“Awful? Define that, please.” Fair enough. aw•ful [aw-fuhl] – adjective If you don’t have an IT Department chances are a smooth running, trouble-free network will be a temporary condition. 2) When something breaks someone has to fix it. 3) And, pay for it. 4) And, if that something gets in the way of running your business, you sleep less and the bottom line gets trashed. 5) If you do have an IT Department, you waste an expensive and valuable asset chasing around mundane tasks.Managed care is provided by outside tech companies, such as eMazzanti Technologies’ {e}Care.


Get Paid To Implement Office 2007I leave Outlook running on my notebook and when I leave the office, the notebook goes into “sleep” mode. When I “wake” it up when I am on my home wireless network or at any remote site via my cellular card, it connects to the Internet and the Outlook installed on my notebook is automatically and securely connected to our Exchange server just as if I were sitting at my desk in the office. I have access to my group calendars, group contacts and address books, and all other functionality of Outlook. In using Outlook Anywhere the technology is delivered to you as if you were in the office. Since this mailbox is sending/receiving with the Exchange server it will also ensure that any changes made in Outlook also happen in your Exchange server.

Leveraging Technology Mitigates Risks, Controls Costs and Helps Meet Demands of Growing Businesses As a small business expands, the need to manage this growth with updated technology should rate high on a company’s list of priorities. Should an organization experience rapid growth in a short period of time and fail to advance its technology to meet these new demands, the business owner may face significant challenges in the future, including loss of revenues, waning market share and adverse customer perceptions. Incorporating the following tips into the company business plan will help ensure a smooth transition.Don’t do everything yourself
Most small businesses believe they can administer technology issues themselves without the support of an independent technology firm. The cost of maintaining an in-house IT operation is often beyond the means of most small to mid-sized companies. However, the risk of lost data, system crashes, spyware and slow-running systems may be far greater for these organizations in terms of financial loss, diminished customer goodwill and declining productivity. For many small businesses, outsourcing the IT function has proven to cut costs considerably.
Look for a professional and trusted advisor
Small business owners tend to utilize trusted advisors for many of their decisions. Relying on experts in a particular field will produce a higher overall advantage. Such is the case for companies seeking tax advice or legal counsel. However, with IT, many of these owners are baffled by technology and have difficulty finding the right resource. As a result, they often depend on a family member who may know how to repair a PC, but is not skilled in information technology.

Please share this newsletter
with anyone who might be interested.

Where in the World
is {e}Mazzanti?

Throughout the years,
patrons of eMazzanti
have sent us pictures of
their travels while
sporting eMazzanti gear.

Submit a photo of your
own via email
Should be we use your
picture, you  will receive a
thank you package and
be entered into our
annual drawing.

What Should
Be Secured?
Recently at an IT security conference in Chicago and the keynote speaker’s address reminded me that IT people and business owners often have different views on what are your company’s assets and what constitutes adequate security. Dave Stelzl, author of The House & the Cloud, simplified the security model for business by comparing a business’s security to a home. We “Protect” our home with doors, windows, locks, and fences. However, we all know that these security measures do little to stop a determined or skilled burglar. The next ingredient is the ability to “Detect” a security breach. In a home we put in alarm systems, motion detectors, subscribe to monitoring services and support neighborhood crime watch groups. Finally, the most important provision of the security model is the “Response.” We have a dog that will bite the thief, some people will have a gun ready for intruders, others rely on the police to respond and others purchase insurance to replace lost items and repair any damage.Using the house as your business scenario you must ask three questions.1. What are you trying to protect?2. What are the relevant threats you face?

3. How comfortable are you with your organizations ability to detect and to respond to a security situation?


Opportunities at

eMazzanti seeks bright
minds to join the team.

Refer a Network
Engineer to
and be eligible for a
shopping spree at
eMazzanti’s online store,
Qualifying applicants
must receive full time
employment and have
referenced the referring
friend on the original
application in order for the
referrer to be eligible for
the annual drawing.
Shopping spree is limited
to $1,000 in merchandise.



Proud member of

{e}Mazzanti Technologies  *  409 Washington Street #464  *  Hoboken, NJ  07030  *  201-360-4400

Carl Mazzanti is Co-Founder and President of eMazzanti Technologies, Microsoft’s four time Partner of the Year and one of the premier IT consulting services for businesses throughout the New York metropolitan area and internationally. Carl and his company manage over 400 active accounts ranging from professional services firms to high-end global retailers.

eMazzanti is all about delivering powerful, efficient outsourced IT services, such as computer network management and troubleshooting, managed print, PCI DSS compliance, green computing, mobile workforce technology, information security, cloud computing, and business continuity and disaster recovery.  

Carl Mazzanti is also a frequent business conference speaker and technology talk show guest and contributor at Microsoft-focused events, including frequent prominent roles at the Microsoft Inspire (Worldwide Partner Conference / WPC).

Carl, a serial Entrepreneur, gives back to the community through Entrepreneur teaching engagements at Georgetown University, the company’s ocean wildlife conservation effort, the Blue Project, and Tree Mazzanti.

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