Categories: Newsletters

July 2008

July 2008
In this issue:

  eMail Connector
  Power of Thank You
  Ensure IT Resilience
  Reasons to Call Lawyer
  Small-Biz Mistakes
  Online Banking Tips
  Case Study
  Are You A Control Freak

7 Good Reasons To Call A Lawyer
By Jeff Wuorio
Reprinted with permission from Microsoft Small Business

For many small-business owners, contacting an attorney is akin to opening a faucet — everything gushes out but little comes back in return, short of a hefty water bill.

OK, so this analogy is a little trite. It’s also horribly inaccurate. Legal advice and guidance in varied forms is absolutely central to any small business. You will get a bill, yes. But using an attorney doesn’t have to be a burdensome financial drain.

Here are seven signs that suggest your business may benefit from the involvement of an attorney:

5 Chronic Small-Biz Mistakes To Correct
By Jeff Wuorio
Reprinted with permission from Microsoft Small Business Center

To paraphrase Yogi Berra, chronic business mistakes are deja vu all over again.

Missteps, miscalculations and outright duds are unfortunate, yet ever-present starters in any small-business lineup. If nothing else, if it weren’t for the battalion of snafus that lay in wait, every mom and pop kiosk would sport a bottom line that rivaled the New York Yankees’.

Here are five persistent pitfalls that may apply to you and your business, along with steps to purge them.

6 Cool New Online Banking Tips
By Joseph Anthony
Reprinted with permission from Microsoft Small Business Center

In ancient-financial times (say, in the year 2000), banks began offering small business customers the ability to bank online — for a price. Sometimes a hefty price.

You can probably guess what happened next. Business owners responded with a resounding silence. The last thing most people needed was an “opportunity” to pay for something that had been free.


eMail Connector“Hey! Can you help me with my computer?” “Do you know how to.”Boy, just walking down the hallway again and I got “hall-jacked”. No, that’s not a terrorist thing. That’s when you walk down the hall and someone stops you for help on your computer or asks about the server or network.But it gets worse. “Ok, now I can’t fix it. I’ve got to call eMazzanti Technologies and talk with the Help Desk. They sure are helpful, but this isn’t a critical thing. I wish eMazzanti Technologies had any easy and fast way to get a service ticket open.” Well we do.

eMazzanti Technologies has implemented a new service for our clients. It’s called an email connector. While most of you know you can call eMazzanti Technologies and speak with the Help Desk or call Dispatch and let them know you need assistance, did you know that you can also send to a specific email address and get some help?

Not only can you get an engineer scheduled, but you can have the help desk call you back or get sales help. All you have to do is send an email to and eMazzanti Technologies service software will automatically create a service ticket, notifying dispatch that you are in need of assistance.

Non-urgent issues can be handled efficiently and completely using this service. You can even ask for sales help and the ticket will be forwarded to your Account Manager for action. You can then log on to our service portal with your password to track how each and every ticket is being handled.

Do you have a question about past service tickets? Logging in to the portal can show you all the tickets created for your company, see what was done and how much time was actually spent on each item.

Ok, you say “What’s this going to cost me?” Well, that’s even better news. It costs you nothing. The access, ticketing and portal are at no cost to you. All they require is that you send an email to and your account login, password and a shortcut for your desktop will be emailed to you within 24 hours!!!

eMazzanti Technologies is trying to make it as easy as possible for you to request assistance and we believe this new tool can be a great timesaver!!

The Power Of Saying Thank You
By Joanna L. Krotz
Reprinted with permission from Microsoft Small Business CenterThe wheels of business revolve with such spin and speed these days that we roll right over the courtesies. Who has time for quaint customs? More to the point, who can afford to let competitors rush onto the new and the next while we slow down for pleasantries? You’re in for a surprise. The advice that follows, rest assured, is not some ubermom lecture about society’s loss of grace (not that I couldn’t get into that). This is about leveraging an underutilized edge in the marketplace. Today, extending old-time courtesies helps you stand out. Yes, boys and girls, saying “thank you” has become a competitive advantage. So few people express appreciation — a Lenox etiquette poll found that nearly five out of every 10 people don’t always say thanks — that remembering to do so is a sales point of difference. It also goes a long way toward forging the relationships that can turn into opportunities.

Here are fast and affordable ways to show business gratitude, as well as tips about timing and tactics. Your takeaway: Don’t underestimate the power of saying thanks.

Ensure IT Resilience
Creating an IT Infrastructure for Business Continuity
Business continuity is an issue that no organization can afford to ignore. In fact, according to The Definitive Handbook for Business Management, between 60 and 90 percent of companies without a proactive disaster plan find themselves out of business within 24 months of experiencing a major disaster. Increasingly, IT power and cooling are becoming more important as factors in ensuring business continuity. These 10 steps provide a good start for ensuring the integrity and availability of your IT systems.

Just for Laughs

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Boutique Law Firm Cross-Examines Server Solution and Raises Productivity, Bottom Line

Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky is a boutique law firm known for representing big business, as well as entrepreneurs. The firm outgrew its single Linux-based file server and heterogeneous network environment which also needed updating. The firm needed a standardized remote access and computing platform to reduce downtime caused by virus attacks and heterogeneous desktops. eMazzanti Technologies together with Windows Server® 2008 ushered the firm into a new age of connectivity and reliability.

Read the Case Study</span rel=”nofollow”>

Are You A Control Freak
By Joanna L. Krotz
Reprinted with permission from Microsoft Small Business Center
For entrepreneurs, the drive to be in control is the best of traits and also their waterloo. Certainly, infant businesses can’t thrive without a founder’s laser focus and passionate attention to detail. But as chaos subsides and business starts chugging along, take-charge Dr. Jekylls often turn into Mr. Hydes, loosing their inner demon: the control freak. Usually, entrepreneurs are so involved in nurturing their baby businesses, so breathlessly invested in every step the baby takes, that they don’t recognize the moment when the company actually walks on its own. At that point the master problem-solver typically turns into the problem himself (or herself). When owners can’t let go, companies are stunted. Employees and opportunities hit the wall of a chief executive who insists on knowing every trivial thing, being at every routine meeting, calling each and every shot. Do you feel the chill of recognition? If you want your business to grow, stop feeding the monster. Get your control freak under control. Here’s how.

Opportunities at

eMazzanti seeks bright
minds to join the team.

Refer a Network
Engineer to
and be eligible for a
shopping spree at
eMazzanti’s online store,
Qualifying applicants
must receive full time
employment and have
referenced the referring
friend on the original
application in order for the
referrer to be eligible for
the annual drawing.
Shopping spree is limited
to $1,000 in merchandise.

{e}Mazzanti Technologies  *  701 Grand Street  *  Hoboken, NJ  07030  *  201-360-4400


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