Categories: Newsletters

June 2010

June 2010
In this issue:
eMazzanti Gives Tech Helping
Hand to Parish

Greener, Leaner IT Lowers
Costs, Boosts Efficiency
Doma Export Gains
Critical Connectivity
Avoid Workplace Favoritism
Social Networking Can Attract
Some Unwelcome “Friends”
ROI: Extending the Benefits
Are You an e-Mail Addict?
Case Studies
eMazzanti Technologies
Provides Earthly IT Solutions
for Heavenly Cause

Social Networking Can Attract
Some Unwelcome “Friends”

By Gene Marks – from Symantec

David never considered himself a gossip. He wasn’t a big computer guy. And as the owner of a profitable business he barely had enough time to spend with his family. But still, he heard all about these social community websites and the need to do online social networking for business and got curious. He decided to check out what all the fuss was about.

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ROI: Extending
the Benefits of Energy Efficiency

The article re-printed courtesy of IBM ForwardView eMagazine

What’s good for the environment can also make incredibly good business sense. By taking advantage of green IT strategies such as virtualization and server consolidation, midsized businesses can realize immediate ROI in 2010. What’s more, today’s energy-efficient technologies do more than just alleviate power and cooling costs. Green IT solutions can also have a significant impact on company-wide operational efficiency.

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What would be most harmful to your health: no food; no water; or no e-mail? All over the world, people are beginning to wonder why all roads now lead to our inboxes. In less than 20 years e-mail and its off-shoot, instant messaging (IM), have monopolized business communication. Who picks up the phone anymore, or crosses the room to talk with a co-worker (!?!), unless the building is on fire?

Born in 1990, e-mail undoubtedly offers great advantages. Our inboxes record our important conversations, requests and replies. And it is a cheap, quick and convenient way to connect your business or stay in touch with far-flung friends and family.


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Mail in moderation
But our growing over reliance on e-mail is leading may people to believe they have an unhealthy dependence.
Are You An
e-Mail Addict?

reprinted with permission from the HP Small Business Center

eMazzanti Gives Tech Helping Hand to Parish

Hoboken, New Jersey ­- June 15, 2010 – Even churches need a little earthly help every once in awhile. Such was the case with Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Hoboken, New Jersey. Established in 1851, this historic building and organization ministers to the spiritual and temporal needs of 1200 parishioners. A new case study captures the parish’s experience of up-leveling its computer technology with the IT expertise of eMazzanti Technologies, also a Hoboken business.Heaven-Sent Solutions
A mix of nine different computers hampered internal and external communications.

eMazzanti Technologies, a local IT expert, was “heaven-sent” according to said Rev. Alexander M. Santora, pastor, Our Lady of Grace. The IT firm strengthened and standardized the configuration of all computers, removed spyware, set up a wireless network for better collaboration and printing, provided affordable IT support and helped connect-up a new outdoor, electronic marquee that make communicating to parishioners more powerful and efficient. A copy of the new case study is available at Provides Affordable Network Solutions
eCare Network Solutions provides around the clock network problem solving for an “all-you-can-eat” price. This kind of approach is particularly helpful for organizations that must tightly manage limited budgets.“Our Lady of Grace exists to minister to the spiritual needs of our parishioners, but it also must function well temporally, being fiscally responsible,” said Santora. “eMazzanti eCare was the perfect solution for us.”Read on

Greener, Leaner IT Lowers Costs,
Boosts Efficiency

The article re-printed courtesy of IBM ForwardView eMagazine

Market forces, such as the fluctuations of commodity prices, play a role in how SMBs operate and compete. These days, energy is perhaps the most influential of all commodities, and its impact upon SMBs can be tremendous. According to a recent report issued by IBM entitled IT energy efficiency for small and mid-size business: Good for business and the environment, energy costs now represent the single largest operating cost increase for SMBs, regardless of industry.But as midsized company Oceanic Worldwide discovered, smaller companies can actively counter the impact of outside forces – including energy expenses – and help the environment along the way.Rising energy prices drive changes in IT planning Concerns about operational efficiency figured largely into plans for growth at California-based Oceanic Worldwide, a supplier and designer of scuba diving equipment. Company management noted the continual rise of IT-related energy costs, and worried that these expenses might eclipse other budgetary matters – as well as contribute to environmental problems.Oceanic Worldwide was right about IT-related energy costs and concerns. According to its Worldwide Server Power and Cooling Expense 2006–2010 Forecast, research firm IDC says that for every dollar spent on IT equipment, 50 cents goes to energy. By 2010, says IDC in the same report, 70 cents of every IT dollar will be devoted to powering and cooling these devices. To put these numbers in perspective, the amount of money spent to operate and cool a server averages $550 a year. And as companies grow, they typically add more servers, which create larger utility bills and potentially greater environmental consequences.One of the reasons that energy costs spiral for SMBs like Oceanic can be found in the widespread “one-to-one-to-one” hardware approach, where each server hosts only one operating system that, in turn, runs a single application. Not only are these environments expensive, but they also promote IT inefficiency because multiple servers operate at a fraction of their computing capacity.Read on

Doma Export Gains Critical Connectivity from eMazzanti and Windows 7William Wnekowicz IT Manager for Doma Export Co, explains how using the services from eMazzanti Technologies and Windows 7 rocks. Thanks to Windows 7 and eMazzanti Technologies, Doma Export has the ability to export products to Eastern Europe faster and easier.  Click on the image below to hear William!

eMazzanti Technologies Provides Earthly IT Solutions for Heavenly Cause

Even churches need a little earthly help every once in awhile. Such was the case with Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Hoboken, New Jersey. Established in 1879, this historic building and organization ministers to the spiritual and temporal needs of 1200 parishioners. A mix of nine different computers hampered internal and external communications. eMazzanti Technologies, a local IT expert, was “heaven-sent” according to said Rev. Alexander M. Santora, pastor, Our Lady of Grace. READ MORE

How To Avoid Workplace Favoritism
by Rieva Lesonsky reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Small Business Center
Q: I know from past experience that bosses sometimes favor some employees over others based on personal reasons. Now that I’m a business owner, how can I be sure I’m treating my employees fairly and not showing favoritism?A: You’re right to be concerned about this; it’s a common employee complaint about bosses. Since it’s human nature to like some people more than others (and bosses are people, too) you have to constantly monitor your actions and deeds to make sure you’re not favoring some employees over others. But being fair doesn’t mean everyone on staff gets treated exactly the same. All too often when business owners try to dole out equal treatment, no one benefits.Read on
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{e}Mazzanti Technologies  *  701 Grand Street  *  Hoboken, NJ  07030  *  201-360-4400
Bryan Antepara

Bryan Antepara: IT Specialist Bryan Antepara is a leader in Cloud engagements with a demonstrated history of digital transformation of business processes with the user of Microsoft Technologies powered by the team of eMazzanti Technologies engineers. Bryan has a strong experience working with Office 365 cloud solutions, Business Process, Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft Office Suite, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Customer Service. He has the ability to handle the complexity of moving data in and out of containers and cloud sessions, makes him the perfect candidate to help organizations large and small migrate to new and more efficient platforms.  Bryan is a graduate of the University of South Florida and is Microsoft Certification holder.

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