Manufacturing is one of the most hacked industries in the world, second only to healthcare. As manufacturers modernize their shop floors and set up sophisticated Operational Technology (OT) networks, they are increasingly falling in the crosshairs of determined cyber criminals.
Since 2018, there has been a 2,000% increase in attacks against OT networks, with 47% of breaches against manufacturers resulting in loss of intellectual property. The Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency recently issued a bulletin warning of escalating attacks against OT networks, specifically citing spear phishing and ransomware that attack minimally protected environments.
Manufacturers understand that a disruption to their operation systems can grind their shop room floors to a halt but may not be aware of the security implications of an unprotected network. In this eBook we will explore the unique security challenges of distributed manufacturers and provide tips for securing OT networks.
Download the eBook to learn more.