Categories: Newsletters

September 2009

September 2009
In this issue:

Open House
Make Your Biz Thrive
It’s Time to Start Hiring
Use Testimonials
Back in the Driver’s Seat
10 Financial Yardsticks
Using Mapping Tools
Case Study
Where in the World

Get Back In the Driver’s Seat

Do you remember when owning a car used to be simple? 20 years ago we felt competent enough to do a lot more with our cars than just fill them up with gas. It wasn’t even uncommon for the average guy to carry out some solid repairs without ever calling a mechanic. Today, it is rare to see anyone opening the hood at all. The complexity of automotive technology has grown so much that it is now easier and more cost effective to just let experts handle it and focus on enjoying the drive.

Business computing is heading in the same direction.

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10 Financial Yardsticks for Your Business
by Joseph Anthony
reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Small
Business Center

Recently I’ve been doing some work with a nonprofit organization. Somewhat to my surprise, I’m discovering that many of the money issues confronting this nonprofit are similar to those faced by small, for-profit businesses. Things like:

Understanding and keeping track of how much is really spent on various programs.

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4 Tips for Using Mapping Tools to Increase Sales
by Christopher Elliott
reprinted with permission from Microsoft Small Business Center

Seeing is believing, at least when it comes to your customers.

Put another way, it’s one thing to know your clients — to have a detailed profile of each one in your records. It’s another to actually see them. Unless you’re taking reliable sales data and plotting it on mapping and analysis tools, experts say you could be missing out on valuable opportunities to increase sales and expand your business.

“Mapping helps you focus,” says James Chung, president of Reach Advisors, a Boston marketing strategy and research firm. “If you map, you can find your customers. And once you’ve found them, you can reach them.”

Representing data visually used to be an expensive proposition for a small business.

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Make Your Biz Thrive with Technology:
6 Ways

by Jeff Wuorio
reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Small Business Center
We all can recall a standout teacher, one whose insight and enthusiasm made a definite impact on our lives.For small businesses, technology and software can often prove to be the best teachers around. But few entrepreneurs hit the streets armed with every form of business training imaginable.That’s where technology can step in-not only providing essential information, planning and other tools but, in effect, teaching small business owners critical skills that can last a lifetime.

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4 Signs It’s Time to Start Hiring
By Philipp Harper
Reprinted with permission from Microsoft Small Business Center
Entrepreneurs riding out the economic ups and downs may not have spent much time wondering whether to add new employees. As the economic recovery begins to take shape, however, they may want to start thinking about it.But it raises a question: How can a small-business owner know when it’s time to add staff?

You need to add workers if . . .

Ultimately, of course, spending your hard-won capital on a new hire requires a leap of faith. Still, you can improve the odds that leap will end in a happy landing by following a few rules. Some are quantitative; others involve less exact methods of forecasting.

Here are four signs that it’s time to increase payroll:

Use Testimonials to Attract Prospects
and Win Sales

By Kendra Lee
In today’s economy you need every advantage in your sales kit. Prospects are scrutinizing all requests for their time and each purchase decision. You want to pass their piercing investigation but the sales tools you’ve used in recent years aren’t cutting it. You need something more, and testimonials are the answer. They can be the difference maker in not just winning opportunities but also in attracting attention in the first place.Testimonials are your clients’ stamp of approval. They provide an independent perspective that gives prospects insight into how you work, how effective your solutions are, and the results others have experienced through engaging you.

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Windows Vista Yields Competitive Advantage, Fuels Growth at Internet Apparel Company is experiencing annual growth of 30 percent. With direction from eMazzanti Technologies, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, it deployed Windows Vista to help maintain a competitive advantage in the crowded, fast-paced industry of Internet brand-name apparel sales. Improved productivity and enhanced data security helped it attract new customers and build loyalty through rapid, reliable service and security-enhanced customer data.

Read the Case Study

Where in the World is

Throughout the years,
patrons of eMazzanti
have sent us pictures of
their travels while
sporting eMazzanti gear.

Submit a photo of your
own via email
Should be we use your
picture, you  will receive a
thank you package and
be entered into our
annual drawing.

at {e}Mazzanti

eMazzanti seeks bright
minds to join the team.

Refer a Network
Engineer to
and be eligible for a
shopping spree at
eMazzanti’s online store,
Qualifying applicants
must receive full time
employment and have
referenced the referring
friend on the original
application in order for the
referrer to be eligible for
the annual drawing.
Shopping spree is limited
to $1,000 in merchandise.

{e}Mazzanti Technologies  *  701 Grand Street  *  Hoboken, NJ  07030  *  201-360-4400


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