Categories: Articles

Top Resolutions for 2008

Written by Laura Steward

January, 2008. Time for the annual list of things you must do this year to make sure your technology and business will run smoothly and successfully and have minimal unplanned downtime. For those of you who are regular readers of this column, you will see some familiar items on the list and hopefully you have already done them!

So without further ado! My top resolutions for 2008!

1. I will run or hire someone to run routine maintenance on my desktops and server, including Windows Updates to make sure they are running properly.

2. I will eliminate internal only backup and switch to a system that becomes my server in the event of a failure and also takes my data offsite.

3. I will secure my network and computers with a good firewall that protects my data.

4. I will recognize that internet use for my employees is a benefit and not a right and that I can monitor and control the access to prevent security breaches and loss of revenue due to employee web surfing.

5. I will write an Acceptable Use Policy for all Technology in my office so employees know what is acceptable and what is not including Internet use.

6. I will install and keep up-to-date antivirus software.

7. I will install and keep-up-to-date anti-spyware software.

8. I will not open ANY email from people I do not know especially if it has an attachment.

9. I will not let my children use my business computer no matter how much they beg because I know this will cause problems.

10. I will practice safe computing by not going to questionable websites.

11. I will get a domain name for my business instead of using an email address that says

12. I will write or hire someone to write a disaster recovery plan for my business so I know how to keep my business running in case of fire, theft, power failure, flood or system failure.

13. I will update my website so it reflects what we currently do as a business.

14. I will change the battery in my UPS that is attached to my computer equipment each year just like I change the smoke detector battery at home.

15. I will replace my Windows 2000 server because the new servers offer me increased features that lower my cost of doing business.

16. I will review my telephone and internet access bills to make sure I have the best plan available at the lowest rates.

17. I will purge my electronic files as defined by my company’s electronic data policy just like I clean out my paper files.

18. I will remember that technology is supposed to HELP my business grow not stop it.

19. I will update my business plan and budgets to reflect my goals for 2008 and beyond.

20. I will ask for help when needed and have that be before my business suffers because I was unwilling to ask for help.

I include that last one because one of our clients just said that to us. They were working on a spreadsheet and spent 3 hours trying to figure out why it was not working before they called us. When they did, we figured out they had a hidden cell with a formula in it that was causing all their problems. They said, “Why didn’t I call sooner? I wasted three hours I will never get back!”

There are reasons there are consultants in the world. Learn to use them to assist your business in growing. Find the balance and find what works for you. We just hired a consultant to help us take our business to the next level. Sometimes you need someone from the outside to look in and help you plan the next step.

Laura Steward is the President and Founder of Guardian Angel Computer Services, LLC a managed services provider based in Norwalk that specializes in helping businesses take the work out of networking.


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