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Understanding Display Name Spoofing and Email Filtering Services

Display Name Spoofing

To pass for a trustworthy organization, an attacker may use a dishonest technique called “display name spoofing” in phishing emails. The intention is to increase the probability that the recipient will open the email and interact with its content — by deceiving them into thinking it is from a reliable source. An email with the display name “Your Bank,” for instance, could be sent by an attacker even if it is not from your bank. This strategy can work well, since a lot of email clients only display the display name by default. Display name spoofing poses a serious risk due to its ease of use and potential for great effectiveness. It takes advantage of people’s faith in the display names.

Email Filtering Services

Keeping users safe from phishing and spam is one of the main purposes of email filtering services, which offer tools for managing and organizing incoming emails. They operate by analyzing incoming mail through predefined rules or algorithms, then making decisions based on those rules. A few possible actions are to move the email to a designated folder, mark it as read, or even delete it. They accomplish this by looking through incoming emails to find common traits in unsolicited emails.

This is how to do it:

  1. Spam Filters: A common feature of email filtering services is the inclusion of spam filters, which scan incoming emails for common spam traits like spoof display names.
  2. Phishing Protection: With built-in phishing protection, many email filters are capable of identifying common phishing techniques, like display name spoofing.
  3. Blacklists and Whitelists: Users are able to make lists of known malicious senders on their blacklists, and trusted senders on their whitelists. You can choose to automatically mark or delete emails from senders on your blacklist.
  4. User Reporting: A few email filters let users report emails that they think might be phishing scams. This facilitates the filter’s ongoing learning and development.

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC): This email authentication protocol allows domain owners to designate what happens to emails from their domain that don’t pass authentication checks. It offers receiving mail servers a mechanism to verify that incoming mail from a domain originates from a host approved by that domain’s administrators, which can aid in preventing display name spoofing.

How can companies train their users to spot display name spoofing?

As part of an organization’s cybersecurity plan, users need to be trained to identify display name spoofing. The following are some tactics that businesses can implement:

  1. Awareness Training: Educate staff members about the dangers of display name spoofing and other phishing techniques through frequent training sessions. Illustrate these attacks with examples from everyday life.
  2. Phishing attack simulations: Provide simulated phishing attacks to staff members, so they can gain hands-on experience spotting spoof emails. Testing the efficacy of your training and determining which areas require additional training can be accomplished in this way, too.
  3. Email Policies: Put in place and uphold email policies that dissuade recipients from opening unexpected attachments or clicking on dubious links. Make sure that everyone is aware of and understands these policies.
  4. Frequent Communication: Keep everyone informed about the most recent phishing attacks, such as display name spoofing. This can support education and vigilance among staff members.
  5. Promote Reporting: Tell staff members about any suspected phishing attempts. This can speed up your IT staff’s ability to recognize and address threats.
  6. Verify the Email Address: Before replying to an email, instruct users to confirm the email address, and not just the display name.
  7. Look for Phishing Signs: Inform users to watch out for typical indicators of phishing, such as misspelled or poorly capitalized words, requests for personal information, and cliched greetings.

In Cyber Security, people are frequently the weakest link. Organizations can diminish their risk considerably by teaching users about display name spoofing and other dangers.

Cloud Backups

Cloud backups are becoming more popular because they are affordable, scalable, and reliable. They lower capital costs by doing away with the requirement for physical storage infrastructure. Strong security features, such as encryption and access controls, are provided by cloud providers. But cloud backups also bring in new factors to consider, like vendor lock-in and data sovereignty.

What are the best ways to put backup plans into action?

  1. Recognize Your Data: Not all information is created equal. For business operations, some types of data are more important than others. Prioritizing what needs to be backed up is made easier by having a clear understanding of the worth and significance of various data sets.
  2. The 3-2-1 Rule: According to this, you should have a minimum of three copies of your data: one offsite copy (like cloud storage), and two local copies on various media (like an external hard drive and a network drive).
  3. Consistent Backups: The frequency of data backups should be dictated by the rate at which your data changes. If important data changes frequently,  backups should be made daily or even continuously.
  4. Test Your Backups: To make sure your backups are operating properly, test them regularly. By doing this, problems will be found before they become a concern, like during a data loss incident.
  5. Protect Your Backups: To avoid unwanted access, backups need to be encrypted and kept in a safe location. When it comes to sensitive data, this is crucial.
  6. Automate Your Backups: This reduces the possibility of human error and guarantees that data is regularly backed up.
  7. Retention Policies: Put retention policies in place that consider your compliance and business needs. While certain types of data must be kept for a few months, others may need to be kept for several years.
  8. Disaster Recovery Plan: A comprehensive disaster recovery plan includes backups. Directions on restoring data and carrying on with operations following a data loss incident should be covered in this plan.

How do I decide between cloud and on-site backups?

The decision between cloud and on-premises backups is influenced by multiple factors:

  1. Cost: When using on-premises backups, hardware, software, and maintenance must be paid for upfront. Conversely, cloud backups usually work on a subscription basis, converting upfront costs into ongoing costs.
  2. Scalability: Cloud backups provide more scalability, compared to on-premises backups. Depending on your needs, you can easily increase or decrease your storage capacity. On the other hand, scalability for on-premises backups requires additional hardware.
  3. Security: There are security concerns with both options. Although physically safe, on-premises backups need strong cybersecurity protections. But while cloud backups are generally safe, you are entrusting the security of your data to an outside party.
  4. Accessibility: Cloud backups can be accessed from any location with an internet connection. This is useful in remote work situations. On-premises backups are restricted to local network access, unless a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is configured
  5. Compliance: Certain industries have rules governing the location and handling of data storage. On-premises backups might be necessary in certain situations.
  6. Recovery Speed: Since on-premises backups aren’t reliant on network speed, they frequently provide quicker recovery times. Nonetheless, quick data recovery is frequently an option offered by cloud providers.
  7. Maintenance: This can be a resource-intensive process. On-premises solutions need constant management and upkeep, but cloud solutions transfer this obligation to the supplier.

How should data be secured while it’s being backed up in the cloud?

To stop unwanted access, data must be secured while it is being backed up on the cloud. These are a few recommended practices:

  1. Encryption: Before any data leaves your network, it should be encrypted. This guarantees that the data cannot be read without the encryption key, even if it is intercepted. Commonly used is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 256-bit keys.
  2. Secure Transfer Protocols: Use secure transfer protocols, like HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) or SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), to enhance the security of data while it is being transferred.
  3. Virtual private network, or VPN: A VPN builds a safe tunnel from your network to the cloud service provider. This can offer an extra degree of protection. Using IAM (Identity and Access Management), you can implement strict access controls to determine who can transfer data. This can help prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Surveillance and Notifications: Keep an eye on the data transfer procedure and establish notifications for any unusual activity. This can assist you in promptly recognizing and addressing any possible security vulnerabilities.
  5. Consistent Audits: Make sure that all security policies and procedures are being followed by conducting frequent audits.
  6. Work with a Reputable Cloud Provider: A trustworthy cloud provider will be able to offer advice on best practices, and will have strong security measures in place.

What effect does encryption have on data transfer performance?

Encryption can affect data transfer performance in several ways:

  1. Processing Overhead: Computational resources are needed for encryption and decryption processes. This extra processing may result in higher CPU utilization, which could cause the system to lag if resources are not properly managed.
  2. Data Size: Compared to original plaintext data, encrypted data is frequently larger. Longer transmission times may result from this increase in data size, particularly when working with big data sets or constrained bandwidth.
  3. Latency: Data encrypting and decrypting can cause delays, especially in real-time applications where data is constantly being sent and received.
  4. Key Management: In systems with numerous keys, secure key management can potentially increase complexity and performance overhead.

The advantages of data security usually outweigh the performance impact of encryption, it’s crucial to remember this. Performance concerns are further mitigated by the fact that many systems and protocols are built to handle encryption effectively, and hardware acceleration for encryption is becoming more widely available. Even though encryption may have a slight negative effect on performance, it is an essential trade-off for guaranteeing data security and integrity, particularly when sending data over unprotected networks. Using encryption while data is in transit is always advised, especially when dealing with sensitive data.

How can I keep strong encryption while still maximizing performance?

Achieving a balance between robust encryption and performance optimization can be challenging. The following techniques may be of use:

  1. Select Effective Algorithms: There exist disparities in the efficiency of various encryption algorithms. As an illustration, symmetric encryption algorithms like AES typically operate more quickly than asymmetric ones like RSA.
  2. Hardware Acceleration: A lot of contemporary CPUs come with integrated technology to speed up the encryption and decryption processes. Activating hardware acceleration can greatly boost efficiency.
  3. Manage Keys Efficiently: Performance can also be enhanced by managing encryption keys effectively. two examples of this are using specialized hardware or software for key management, and reducing the frequency of key exchanges.
  4. Change the Encryption Level: You can usually change the encryption level. Better security is offered by higher levels, but performance may suffer. Utilizing a lower encryption level can enhance performance if optimum security is not needed.
  5. Condense Data: By reducing the quantity of data that must be transmitted and encrypted, compression of data before encryption can enhance performance. This might not be appropriate for all kinds of data, though.
  6. Partial Processing: Encrypting data in parallel can enhance performance if the system can support it. This is particularly valid for substantial data sets.
  7. Network Optimization: Techniques for optimizing a network can also enhance performance when data is encrypted before being transmitted. This involves strategies like bandwidth expansion, latency reduction, and traffic shaping.


Backups are an essential insurance policy in the digital realm. They ensure business continuity, guard against financial and reputational harm, and defend sensitive data from numerous threats. It is reasonable to anticipate that the significance of backups will increase as data volumes continue to rise, and threats grow more complex. Trained eMazzanti professionals are available to provide detailed guidance, and assistance with setting up your backups.

Dylan E. D'Souza

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