No matter how much time and money you spent developing your website, the site is only successful if users spend time there and engage with the content. High website user engagement results in higher conversions and more return visits.
User engagement can take several forms. If users are reading the content and viewing videos, for instance, they are engaging with the site. They may also actively participate in quizzes or interact with chatbots. Or they may share content from your site via social media.
Focusing on a few key areas of website development can yield high returns. Start with a solid, inviting user interface. Help users find what they want with simple navigation. Optimize site performance. And learn the value of analytics.
A good user interface design involves a few key elements.
Make sure that users can find what they are looking for quickly and easily, using no more than two or three clicks. This means that menus should be easy to locate and simple to use, with minimal choices. In addition, place your search box where users will see it quickly, usually at the top of the screen, in the navigation bar that shows up on every page of your site.
Keep your navigation consistent across the site. If you place menus on the left side of your home screen, for example, stick to that location on all pages. Use the same colors and fonts for navigational items. And make sure your link text is specific and descriptive.
Resist the temptation to sacrifice performance for visual appeal. Studies have shown that even one extra second in page loading time can significantly increase bounce rate. Pages that load within two seconds not only increase website user engagement but also improve your website’s ranking for Google searches.
A combination of smart design and proper tools can help improve site performance. For instance, ads slow your page down, so be picky about the ads you include. Image optimizers can compress and scale the images you use, thus reducing the download time.
Once your site is up and running, utilize analytics to monitor and increase user engagement. Some key performance indicators to track include:
In a digital marketplace, your website is a crucial tool for generating leads and achieving customer loyalty. Finding the optimal design to keep your users actively engaged with your website can be challenging. The award-winning creative team at eMazzanti can help you with your website design needs.
After graduating with a degree in Computer Science and working as a software developer in Tamil Nadu, India, Sam Nishanth joined the team at eMazzanti as a front-end developer. He works out of eMazzanti’s New Jersey headquarters.
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